July 14 Guests

The International House held an an international poetry reading on July 17. According to I-House volunteer Jennifer Hsieh, this fun and culturally diverse night of poetry was held for guests to “experience the sensation of a different spoken language, appreciate literature, break the language barrier, step up for a cross-cultural exchange, recognize the similarity and difference in all of us.” Because of the diversity of languages at this event, all poems in a foreign language were translated into English and projected during the presentation.

Jeff has taught nonfiction writing at the University of Southern California and at the University of California, both at Berkeley and at Davis. At Berkeley he taught remedial writing to those students who, although they had been accepted to the university, had failed the Analytical Writing Placement Exam. At USC, and now at UC Davis he teaches what’s known as “writing across the disciplines”: writing that is discipline-specific. He has taught “Advanced Writing in the Arts and Humanities,” Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences,” and “Advanced Writing in the Natural Sciences.” Having gained his MFA from the Yale School of Drama, Jeff specializes in dramatic criticism.