Listen to Joshua McKinney!
Joshua McKinney is the author of two previous collections of poetry: Saunter, co-winner of the University of Georgia Press Poetry Series Open Competition in 2001, and The Novice Mourner, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize in 2005. He is also the author of two poetry chapbooks: Saunter (Primitive Publications, 1998) and Permutations of the Gallery (Pavement Saw Press, 1996), winner of the Pavement Saw Chapbook Contest. His work has appeared widely in such journals as American Letters & Commentary, Boulevard, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Kenyon Review, New American Writing, and many others. His awards include The Dickinson Poetry Prize and a Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative American Poetry. In addition, he has received four Pushcart Prize nominations. He teaches poetry writing and literature at California State University, Sacramento. He is a member of Senkakukan of Sacramento, where he studies Mugai Ryu, Toyama Ryu, and curriculum of the Zen Nihon Battodo Renmei.