January 26 Guests

Scott Herring grew up in Burbank, California, near the bull’s-eye of metropolitan LA. After receiving his BA from Cal State Northridge, he moved to Yellowstone National Park, where he spent five years living and working at Old Faithful and elsewhere. He returned to CSU Northridge for an MA, then went on to the University of California, Davis for a Ph.D. in English. In 2004, he published the book Lines on the Land: Writers, Art, and the National Parks. Scott has made an academic specialty not just of the national parks, but of all writing on the natural world. Among other courses, he teaches UWP 101 and UWP 104D, and especially enjoys UWP 104F, Writing in the Health Professions.

Susan Briante’s latest poetry collection, Utopia Minus, is forthcoming from Ahsahta Press in March. She is the author of Pioneers in the Study of Motion, a book which CD Wright describes as  “a work of shuddering velocity… an ode, a screed, a lament, a love song.” Briante’s essays on industrial ruins, abandoned buildings and cultural memory have appeared in, or are forthcoming from, Creative Non-Fiction, the New Centennial Review and Rethinking History. A translator, Briante lived in Mexico City from 1991-1997 working for the magazines Artes de México and Mandorla. She is currently translating the work of the Uruguayan poet, Marosa di Giorgio. Briante is an assistant professor of creative writing and literature at the University of Texas at Dallas, and she lives in east Dallas with the poet Farid Matuk.